9月 19 2008


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Nouriel Roubini 是经济学教授,两年前就预测了今天发生的金融危机,一直被人批为危言耸听,外号 Dr. Doom。当这两周美国政府相继国有化了多间巨型金融机构之后,他在 Blog 上称“美国(USA)已经变成 USSRA – United Socialist State Republic of America”。说 USSRA,当然暗指前苏联 USSR。如果美国政府真的要全面收购所有房债,那他们在这几周内的国有化成就,真的可以和前 USSR 几十年的努力有的一比了。

Nouriel Roubini 的 Blog 需要注册,你还可以在《卫报》网站上看到这篇

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9月 18 2008

Buzzword: short selling

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Short selling 即“卖空”,是一个股市操作用语,指在预计某只股票会跌的情况下,先从其他股东手里借到股票,抛出,然后在股票价格下跌之后,以低价买入股票,还给股东。如果押得准,获利可以极大;当然如果押错,损失也是惊人。

Short selling 成为 buzzword,是因为银行危机最近几天已经到了急转直下的阶段。有人提出 short selling 是罪魁祸首之一,指责有人故意制造恐慌,压低股价,借机牟利。于是在美国证卷管理当局禁止 short selling 之后,英国的金融管理局 FSA 也在今天宣布,从明天开始,将禁止 short selling

其实 short selling 是有其正常功用,Seth Freedman 今天在《卫报》网站上说禁止 short selling属于莫名其妙

Short selling 只是这次金融危机的一小部份。所有人的共识是,在此过后,一切都会不同了,将会有一套新的规则诞生。

在拼法上,是 short selling 还是 short-selling。在英国报纸中,只有《卫报》(Guardian)用的是 short selling,《泰晤士报》(Times)、《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)《独立报》(Independent)、BBC等用的是 short-selling。

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9月 04 2008

Beijing: 从“贝辛”到“贝进”

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这次北京奥运,大批英国记者涌向北京,至少出现了一项改进:现在许多英国记者说起“北京” Beijing,发音已经从过去的“贝辛”,改为现在的“贝进”。其实英语中有 jin 这个音,但是过去不少记者就是爱把 j 发成法语中 Jacque 中的 j 音,好象说话活洋腔洋调就是说外语了似的。记得听到过对 BBC 内“发音部”人员的采访,其中一位可爱的大姐说她“最恨的就是有人把‘北京’念成‘贝辛’了”。

对地名人名的发音要尽量尊重母语发音,目前已经是共识。不过还是有固执的,Geoffrey Wheatcroft 在《卫报》上写文章,说改地名通常是政治原因和权力交替的结果,所以把北京叫 Peking 也没什么不好

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8月 20 2008

Virtual water

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今天《卫报》网站上一组照片介绍了我们日常消耗的食物中的所带的 virtual water。Virtual water 这个概念是用来计算生产食物所需要的用水量,看看这些数字,是很让人吃惊的--一杯咖啡要消耗140升水。

Virtual water 多翻译成“虚拟水”,让人摸不着头脑。其实一个比较符合原意的翻译,应该是“隐性水耗”,即我们在不知不觉中消耗的水资源。

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7月 04 2008


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2008年的环法自行车赛明天正式开始。今天在《卫报》上看到一篇有趣的文章,说的是 Le Tour 中的 Patron


Induráin was a Patron, a man who ruled the peloton like a medieval pope.


Induráin 是环法自行车赛90年代初期的风云人物,后来的 Lance Armstrong 也有类似地位。不过《每日电讯报》上的一篇文章似乎不同意这一点,认为80年代法国的 Hinault 是最后的 Patron。

With is natural air of authority and peerless record amongst his contemporaries, Hinault ruled with a rod of iron, perhaps the last great patron the Tour has known.

Patron 可以解释成赞助人、保护人、顾客、支持人等等,不过在这里比较形象的,大概是翻译成“龙头老大”。

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6月 22 2008

Soup of letters

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上周《卫报》(Guardian)介绍英国一位因为给两位同性恋教士主持婚礼(civil partnership)而受到教会指责的牧师 Martin Dudley 时,开头第一句是这样的:

Until last Sunday few people had heard of the Reverend Dr Martin Dudley BD MSc MTh PhD FSA FRHistS AKC.


而且加缩写还是有规矩的。《泰晤士报》(Times)上的Philip Howard做了一个很有用的介绍,简单地说就是学历在先,从医资格(如果有的话)在后。但是如果还有御准非御准的头衔的话,就更复杂了。

The short answer is that university degrees precede medical qualifications in the position of letters after the name. The long answer is that Bt or Bart (for a baronet) and Esq, if applicable, precede all other letters. Then orders and decorations conferred by the Crown. Then appointments such as Privy Counsellor, Aide de Camp to Her Maj, Honorary Physician to the Queen. Then university degrees. Then religious orders. Then medical qualifications. Then fellowships of learned societies. Then secondary (ie non-royal) appointments, such as QC, JP, DL, MP. Finally membership of one of the armed forces, such as RN or RAF. Phew. I should take Occam’s Razor to all such alphabet soup of letters after names. Abbrevs and honorifics, like entia, non sunt multiplicanda.

回头看 Martin Dudley 的头衔,我知道 MSc = Master of Science,MTh = Master of Philosophy,PhD = Doctor of Philosophy,能猜出 FRHistS = Fellow of Royal Historic Society,其它就猜不出了。

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6月 09 2008


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Tony Blair 最近以中东四方特使的身份回到英国众议院参加某个委员会的听证会。《卫报》的 Simon Hoggart 用了 radiant 来形容这位前首相:

He looked, and I choose this word with care, radiant. His skin glowed with the warmth of the sun we at home rarely see. His teeth gleamed so brilliantly that you could use any one as a tiny shaving mirror, for a vole. His hair is slightly shorter, trimmed to keep the formidable Blair brain cool and whirring in the Middle East. He looked far more relaxed than at any time I’ve seen him since his 1997 election victory.

Relaxed and radiant return for the global superstar

Radiant (容光焕发) 这个赞美之词,也不是随便用的。在《每日电讯报》上,上次用 radiant 形容某人是用在法国前第一夫人 Cécilia 身上。

Radiant Cécilia puts Sarkozy in the shade

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5月 27 2008

Daily quote: little boy

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《卫报》驻北京记者 Tania Branigan 5 月 13 日从都江堰发回的报道,刊登在 14 日的头版。这是第一二段:

Tenderly, she eased the clean fleece over her little boy’s hand and up around his plump shoulder. The steady rain washing the town’s streets had chilled the usually warm Sichuan weather.

He didn’t look alarmed or frightened but dirt and blood were caked on his forehead. She touched his hair and then they pulled up the zipper on the bodybag and carried him away. Only her husband marked her howls.

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5月 08 2008

Daily Quote: pub footballer

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Simon Hattenstone on Iván Campo:

The spaniard does not just look like a pub footballer, he looks like a pub footballer who has sunk 14 pints with William Hague on a Friday night, gone down the rankest curry house for chicken vindaloo and chips, missed the last bus home, slept on a park bench, not washed and turned up at the Reebok, 2.55pm on the Saturday, to play for Bolton Wanderers.

Somehow I can’t find this article the Guardian website (was published on 30 April 2008).

pub footballer: 相对于 professional footballer,有“乌合之众”之意。

14 pints with William Hague: 前保守党党魁 William Hague 有一次为显示自己并非脱离劳动大众,称自己年轻时打工运送啤酒到酒吧,按规矩每次酒吧都会请搬运工喝一杯(pint)啤酒,并称他最多一天可以送14个酒吧。于是并传成“年轻时每天喝14杯啤酒”(14 pint Hague)。

rank: adj. Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.

chicken vindaloo and chips: 去印度餐馆吃 chips 是改造的吃法。

Reebok: Bolton Wanderers 的主场。

2.55pm on the Saturday: 英超足球比赛的正常开赛时间是周六下午3点。

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5月 05 2008


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Miley Cyrus 的“露背照”风波,她为自己的辩护是觉得 Vanity Fair 的 Annie Leibovitz 把她拍得“好看自然” (pretty and natural),并且“很有艺术感”(really artsy)。

Artsy 是 arty 的变种,而 arty 已经是很口语化的说法,可谓是 teen talk。《卫报》上 Germaine Greer 尖刻地说

If by this she meant artistic, rather than artsy-fartsy, she was right on the money.

artistic 是褒意,artsy-fartsy 则完全是贬意了,比“附庸风雅”还不如。

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