9月 08 2009

Daily Quote: some upper middle class young magician

Published by under Daily Quote

苏格兰作家 James Kelman 在最近的爱丁堡图书节上说:

…if the Nobel Prize came from Scotland they would give it to a writer of fucking detective fiction or … about some upper middle class young magician or some fucking crap.

他没有指名道姓,但是苏格兰现在最出名的作家是写Rebus和其它侦探悬疑系列小说的 Ian Rankin 和Harry Potter系列的作者 JK Rowling。你可以自己去对上号。

James Kelman 属于苏格兰的“文学小说作者”(literature writer),是苏格兰唯一获得过图书奖 Booker Prize的作者。这些针对“类型小说作者”(genre writer)的攻击,自然引发了一番争论。

其实他在图书节上还对苏格兰文学现状说了不少有争议的,苏格兰报纸 The Herald上这篇文章有比较详细的记录:‘Chilled-out’ Kelman raises the temperature

The Sunday Herald 还组织了一场辩论:ARGUMENT OF THE WEEK: Is pulp fiction taking over Scotland’s bookshelves?

《卫报》上Alan Bissett的综合评论:Why Kelman’s rage at the genrefication of Scottish literature concerns us all

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