10月 29 2008

英语阅读 It’s a scream!

Published by under 英语阅读

Wendy Roby 介绍了一种新现象:针对女性的恐怖电影、网站和艺术节。

It’s a scream!

As Halloween draws near, Wendy Roby explores a new wave of films, websites and festivals feeding women’s growing hunger for horror

Wendy Roby
The Guardian,
Wednesday October 29 2008

For horror film fanatic Leah Holmes, a tolerance of fear began at an early age. Her anaesthetist father “had half a human skeleton which he used to get out to entertain me and my brother,” she says, “so I was very blasé about scary things. Years later, he was trying to put me off becoming a pathologist, and gave me a book with graphic photos of dead bodies in it. I think he was trying to frighten me, but I just flicked through and thought, ‘Oooh, interesting.'”

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