法国思想家 Claude Lévi-Strauss 去世,《泰晤士报》今天的一篇社论感叹法国人对知识份子的崇拜,其中说道另一个法国知识份子 Bernard Henri-Lévy:
Bernard Henri-Lévy fills as many gossip columns as Catherine Deneuve — even if he is an intellectual poseur who is known as much for the hairy chest that peeps from his white shirt as for his views on existentialism.
An intellectual poseur ? “一个伪知识份子”?
这篇文章还说,intellectual 在英国几乎是个骂人话,英国人反而爱用 too clever by half 这样的讽刺话。
5月4日《泰晤士报》上有一篇 Michael Young 的采访。Michael Young 1980年代是供职于英国矿产公司Consilidated Goldfields的公关主任,在公司的暗中支持下(公司希望维护在南非的商业利益),他积极努力,促成了当时的“恐怖组织”非洲人国民大会(ANC)的Thabo Mbeki 和代表南非白人(Afrikaner)的大学教授 Willie Esterhuyse 在英国的秘密谈判。最近表现这一历史事件的电视片 Endgame 在 Channel 4 播映。以下是 Michael Young 在采访中的一些话:
“The template that we’ve used, that has applicability elsewhere currently, is to identify players who are serious, not always visible, to bring them away so that they could begin to understand one another as human beings,”
“Then you are not operating on this global platform with lots of spotlights. It’s silent, it’s long term and if you want cheap thrills and brownie points, then you’ve lost it.”
The figures include 27 “possible” and the single “probable” case in Scotland.
Possible 和 probable 都是“可能”,显出中文表达“可能”程度的词汇缺乏。Possible 是“可能”,是指假设某种联系的存在,是因为不能证明它不存在;而 probable 是在 possible 基础上排除了一些无关因素,倾向于认为某种联系的确可能存在,是“更可能”、“更象是”,但中文中似乎找不到一个合适和简单的说法。
有的时候还会看到 possbile but not probable 的用法,是为了强调虽然不能证明某种联系不存在,但这种联系的存在可能性不大。
G20伦敦峰会在伦敦东郊的ExCel会议中心举行。这里是原来的伦敦港口码头(Dockland),已经离伦敦市中心很远了,周围也很荒凉。《卫报》记者Simon Hoggart 在他的文章中把这个地方形容为 dark side of the moon – 无人居住,不见天日。
This summit took place on the dark side of the moon.
We…were ushered into a series of buses, swept past driverless trains, deserted roundabouts, abandoned building sites, empty docks, with not a single human being visible except for groups of police, holding back nobody.
《泰晤士报》记者 Ann Treneman (她和 Simon Hoggart 一样,正职都是“议会写生员” – parliament stretch writer,专门描写议会活动的) 没有直接写会议中心周围的景物,而是说:
The best way to explain the ExCel centre is to imagine a giant tin can on its side. We could not see out, which, given the view, may not have been such a bad thing.