G20伦敦峰会在伦敦东郊的ExCel会议中心举行。这里是原来的伦敦港口码头(Dockland),已经离伦敦市中心很远了,周围也很荒凉。《卫报》记者Simon Hoggart 在他的文章中把这个地方形容为 dark side of the moon – 无人居住,不见天日。
This summit took place on the dark side of the moon.
We…were ushered into a series of buses, swept past driverless trains, deserted roundabouts, abandoned building sites, empty docks, with not a single human being visible except for groups of police, holding back nobody.
《泰晤士报》记者 Ann Treneman (她和 Simon Hoggart 一样,正职都是“议会写生员” – parliament stretch writer,专门描写议会活动的) 没有直接写会议中心周围的景物,而是说:
The best way to explain the ExCel centre is to imagine a giant tin can on its side. We could not see out, which, given the view, may not have been such a bad thing.
The Concise OED definition of ‘in the firing line‘ is: ‘1. The front line of troops in a battle; 2. A position where one is subject to criticism or blame.’
但是显然Sally Baker的字典(Collins English Dictionary)上没有这种说法。《卫报》的“文字规范”(Style guide)显然支持她的观点。原因很简单:他们用的同一本字典。
firing line
the people who do the firing; if they are aiming at you, you are in the line of fire not in the firing line.
我其实一直有这个疑惑,在适用 None of these 这样的词组时,后面跟的动词照理应该是单数形式,但是 None of them has this skill 这样的句子看上去不是太顺眼。这个星期六《泰晤士报》的读者反馈上 Sally Baker 对此进行了一番调查发现:
It is a mistake to suppose that the pronoun is singular only and must at all costs be followed by singular verbs or pronouns.
Use a singular verb where possible but if the notion of plurality is present a plural verb has been optional since the OE period and in some circumstances is desirable. The type ‘none of them have finished their essays’ is better than the clumsy ‘…has finished his or her essay’.
原来 None of these, None of them 这样的词组之后的动词,可以适用单数形式,也可以适用复数形式,取决于上下文。
It is a (very persistent) myth that “none” has to take a singular verb: plural is acceptable and often sounds more natural, eg “none of the current squad are good enough to play in the Premiership”, “none of the issues have been resolved”
第一起是 Golliwog ,BBC One 的 The One Show 的主持之一,前首相撒切尔夫人的女儿 Carole Thatcher 在节目的准备间 (green room) 中,用 golliwog 来形容一位参加澳大利亚网球公开赛的球员。在现场人士投诉之后,BBC 要求 Carol Thatcher 正式道歉被拒绝,于是 The One Show 决定不再让她参与节目制作。
Golliwog 是一个玩具,一个黑脸、白眼、红唇、爆炸式头发的玩具,最早 Golliwogg 这个角色是由英国儿童作家 Kate Upton 在19世纪末创作,以后以 Golliwog 为名的布玩具开始流行,至今还有得卖。但是 Golliwog 以及其变种 golli 、wog 从二战以来,一直被用作形容黑人,带有侮辱性的歧视含义,虽然许多白人并没有意识到这一称呼的歧视意义。这也许是 Carol Thatcher 不愿道歉的原因。Hannah Pool 在今天的 Guardian 上说得切中要害:
I’m not saying you have to be black to have a point of view on this, but you certainly have to be black to have ever been called a golliwog, so when a white man tells me he doesn’t see what the problem is, well, am I really expected to take him seriously?
I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.
Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.
So it has been. So it must be with this generation of Americans.
Both critics are good friends of mine and both have undeniably tremendous appetites, but both are rather hamstrung, I guess you could say, by working for a newspaper group whose business model turns on the certainty that schoolteachers, social workers and angry jobless graduates will always need a newspaper, so it might as well be theirs. Thus any restaurant (or indeed anything) that reeks of frivolity, extravagance, bourgeois aspiration or pretentiousness must be flattened with the cold hammer of Socialist Realism.