12月 18 2007


Published by under Lost in Translation


我注意到这篇翻译文章,是因为我恰好在这之前看到了原文。原文 At last – a moon picture that really is fake? 是刊登在《卫报》副刊G2第3版上的一篇文章,在这个位置上的文章多半是以轻松调侃的口气介绍世界各地发生的有趣故事。原作者显然毫无“调查真相”的野心,不过是阐述其“阴谋论者到处都有,中国也不例外。网络时代,谣言传播太快,是阴谋论者的天堂。”这个观点。

这篇中文翻译,也许是没有掌握原文语气语调(如果知道文章出现在那个版面会有帮助),有意或无意地忽略了两个细节,第一个细节是原文第一段,作者说的是“中国”网民对嫦娥一号月球照片的质疑。第二个细节是最后一段,“China did indeed launch a probe into deep space in the general direction of the moon”。句式 “in the general direction of ”明显带着一种调侃的口气,不是科学求证类型文章所采用。为什么会这样呢?下一句解开了谜底:“the inability of Fylingdales to see beyond an altitude of 3,000 miles”。也就是说,这个观测站的设备根本无法探测离地球三千英里以外的物体,当然无从证实或证伪嫦娥一号是否抵达月球了。

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12月 14 2007

Buzzword: diary clash of Mr Bean

Published by under Buzzword

昨天是欧盟里斯本协议正式签署的日子,欧盟27国领导人,26个济济一堂,完成签署仪式,独缺英国首相布朗。他在3个小时后赶到里斯本,出席了一个只有他一个人的签署仪式,他的理由是“日程冲突” (diary clash)。他安排了今天早上出席与众议院各个委员会主席的每月会谈,所以姗姗来迟。



对于英国亲欧洲派来说,既然决定签署里斯本协议,又何必用“日程冲突”这样可笑的借口,显得不敢见人?一贯亲欧洲的《卫报》社论标题是温和却不悦的 It is polite to turn up on time.


《太阳报》(The Sun) 头版引用了邱吉尔二战时面对纳粹入侵时演讲名言:

We Shall Never Surrender

《 每日快报》(The Daily Express) 头版的大字是:

Mr Bean Signs Away Our Freedom

由自由民主党代理党魁 Vince Cable 首先使用的 Mr Bean ,正在开始深入民心,连 BBC 驻欧盟的记者 Mark Mardell 也忍不住,在他的 BBC 博客上说:

All Gordon Brown needs to do today is get his red box trapped in a revolving door to turn his brief trip to Lisbon into “Mr Bean goes on holiday”.

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12月 13 2007

Daily Quote: misplaced sense of entitlement

Published by under Daily Quote

《卫报》的 Richard Williams 是体育评论员,他的分析文章有时候格外地准确。在英国拳击手 Ricky Hatton 在拉斯维加斯败给美国人 Mayweather 之后,他说为什么英国媒体和大众在各种赛事前总是保着不切实际的幻想。

Somewhere near the heart of all this is a misplaced sense of entitlement, the juice that fuelled both England’s failure in the last football World Cup and the clamour of Hatton’s fans in Las Vegas at the weekend. We are England, the chant goes up, and we deserve to win. The failure of successive disappointments to cool such ardour must be as fascinating for sociologists as it is rewarding for the industry that feeds off it.


Sky’s the limit to English failure in this land of hype and glory

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12月 12 2007


Published by under Word by Word

今天《卫报》副刊G2上的一篇有关 Jodie Foster comes out 的文章,其中有这一句:

In other words, if you didn’t already know this, you seriously need retune your gaydar.

我还真是第一次见到 gaydar 这次词,这应该是个美国俚语,来源于 gay-radar,在英国好像用得不多--当然这是我孤陋寡闻了,原来英国还有个很有名的 gay dating 网站就叫 Gaydar,据说很受欢迎,连自己的电台都有了,就叫 Gaydar Radio。

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12月 06 2007

Daily Quote: conviction politician

Published by under Daily Quote

在昨天的 Prime Minister’s Question Time (PMQ)上,保守党议员 Greg Hands 也来嘲笑 Gordon Brown:

With three different police investigations under way, two members of his cabinet … falling foul of the law, and his general secretary facing charges, is this what he meant when he called himself a ‘conviction’ politician?”

Simon Hoggart’s Guardian sketch: The cruel spectacle of Brown at bay.

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11月 16 2007

Daily Quote: discombobulated/combobulated

Published by under Daily Quote

Simon Hoggart described the shadow Home Sectary David Davis in his Guardian sketch:

Davis was not exactly discombobulated, but on the other hand, you could not describe him as entirely combobulated.

discombobulate 是来自美国的俚语,指 To throw into a state of confusion

有趣的是,虽然有 discombobulated,但很少见到使用 combobulated 这个词。

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11月 12 2007

Salami Slicing

Published by under Buzzword

英国商店里的干香肠多种多样,如果你去商店或者超市的柜台上买,在选好种类后,职员会帮你切成薄片。用来切香肠薄片的是一台手动机器,一推一拉下,薄片就切出来了,还能调整薄片厚度。这就是 slice a salami 了。

Salami Slicing 现在经常用来形容从各处切割一点点,反反复复,在不引人注意的情况积少成多。比如在电脑犯罪中,从受害者的帐号上每次偷一点点钱,如果没有被发现,再反复偷取。

Salami Slicing 这个词前一阵大热,是与 BBC 削减经费行动有关。BBC 要削减开支,可以有两种方案,一种是裁掉某个项目,甚至裁掉某个频道,传言甚广的是会裁掉电视频道 BBC3 或者 BBC4。另一种是在所有部门之间分摊削减经费的负担。最后 BBC 选择了第二种方案,这就是 Salami Slicing 了。BBC 员工游行反对裁员时,有一块标语牌上就写着:Salami Slicer Strikes Again。但 BBC 总裁 Mark Thompson 坚决否认,他喜欢用 reprioritisation (重新定位) 这个词--其实就是切薄片的时候厚薄不同而已。

当然,Salami Slicing 还可以用于其它各种与经费、利益分配有关的场合。


Thompson has ruled out ‘salami-slicing’ – shaving a similar amount from the budgets of every department or service – and that approach is also fiercely opposed by members of the new BBC Trust.


The case cannot be made if the price to be paid is the kind of salami slicing
which meant Today not just suffers but is seriously damaged.


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10月 16 2007

Daily Quote: wield the dagger

Published by under Daily Quote

昨天自由民主党(Liberal Demorates Party)的两个高层(副领导人和主席)一起在党总部门口宣布领导人 Menzies Campbell 已经辞职的消息,当事人却不见踪影。虽然事先已经告知,不会回答记者任何问题,但是在简短的公告刚刚结束,人群中立刻有人高声喊道:

Did you wield the dagger?


《卫报》(The Guardian)上的 Simon Hoggart 为我们作了生动的描述

…Mr Cable, the deputy leader, came next. It was he who had announced yesterday that there was a “debate” about Ming’s future.

This is the political equivalent of the knife between the shoulder blades. Or even the machete into the skull. There must have been a bubble of rage in Sir Menzies’s throat when he heard that. “Et tu, Vince,” however, lacks a certain resonance.

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10月 15 2007


Published by under Word by Word

Shibboleth 是哥伦比亚艺术家 Doris Salcedo 在伦敦 Tate Modern 的“轮机房大厅”(Turbine Hall)的作品。Turbine Hall 中的作品,可以任凭作者想像,限制只是这个原电站轮机房内部巨大的空间,一年换一次。Shibboleth 是第7届作品。

Shibboleth (Oxford English Dictionary):

a word used as a test for detecting people from another district or country by their pronunciation; a word or a sound very difficult for foreigners to pronounce correctly.

Shibboleth 的来源是:

The Old Testament relates that the Ephraimites were trying to cross the river Jordan when they were caught by their sworn enemies the Gileadites, who forced them all to say the word “shibboleth”. Since the unfortunate Ephraimites’ dialect did not include the sound “sh”, this allowed the Gileadites to identify and slaughter large numbers of Ephraimites.


Shibboleth 是件真正利用 Turbine Hall 空间的作品:大厅混凝土地面上的一条裂缝。大厅入口处的垃圾桶地下开始,是地面上的一条细小的裂缝,细缝向厅内延伸,越变越大,在某处分成两支,最粗之处成人可以伸入手臂--但深不能见底。

这件作品,是如何做出来的?难道真是在 Tate Modern 地面上凿出一条裂缝?艺术馆表示绝不会透露内幕。不过上周《卫报》上有篇非常精彩的介绍文章,而且最后还会透露这件作品的制作秘密。


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10月 09 2007

Daily Quote: CLM and CEM

Published by under Daily Quote

《卫报》(The Guardian)的 Michael White 有着一手风趣的文笔。有关这次提前大选风波,他写道

…But what mattered yesterday was that Mr Brown blinked first. In the long run it may not prove to be what managers sometimes call a CLM – a career limiting moment. If he recovers strongly the “Bottler Brown” jibe will fade.

But the weekend’s drama was defintely a career enhancing moment for two of the other players. Mr Cameron may just have had a “people’s princess” moment with the Middle Britain public. And this was surely the day when Mr Marr inherited one of nation’s great constitutional offices. From here on he is The Dimbleby of State.

Mr Marr : Andrew Marr. 原 BBC 政治编辑 (political editor),现在担任 BBC One 星期天早晨的政治清谈节目 The Andrew Marr Show。这次 Gordon Brown 就是选择他的节目宣布不会有提前的大选。此举代表了 Andrew Marr 的节目在英国政治生活中的重要地位--与另一位资深的时事节目主持人 Johnathan Dimbleby 看齐。

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