10月 16 2008

英语阅读 Split that is end of an era – and tragedy for Pilates

Published by under 英语阅读

Hadley Freeman 八卦麦当娜和盖·里奇的离婚新闻。

Split that is end of an era – and tragedy for Pilates

Hadley Freeman
The Guardian,
Thursday October 16 2008

Madonna has elevated many unlikely items into cultural signifiers: conical bras, yoga teachers and Kabbalah centres, to take a brief and Proustian tour through the singer’s career. But few would have predicted that British director Guy Ritchie would join that eclectic roll call. This coupling was, for a moment, as exciting as it was unexpected. A cult(ish) British director and an American superstar? To a country so fond of self-deprecation, and for so long in the grumbling, intimidated shadow of its bigger and brasher transatlantic neighbour, it was as though the hometown boy had pulled the prom queen.

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