4月 18 2009

Daily Quote: preventing terrorism by terrorising tourists

Published by under Daily Quote

奥地利游客 Klaus Matzka 和他的儿子在伦敦旅游期间,拍了一些双层巴士和汽车站的照片,结果在现场就有两个警察过来制止并要求删除数码相机中的照片,还记下了父子俩的身份护照资料,他们还称根据英国的反恐法,不允许拍摄公共交通设施。《卫报》的这篇报道引发了读者的强烈反应。Klaus Matzka 在写给卫报的信中说:

I understand the need for some sensitivity in an era of terrorism, but isn’t it naive to think terrorism can be prevented by terrorising tourists?

Police delete London tourists’ photos ‘to prevent terrorism’

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