5月 18 2011

Daily Quote: A meeting of equals

Published by under Daily Quote,英语阅读

2011-05-18 Irish Examiner

英国女王访问爱尔兰,是英国国家元首100年来第一次访问爱尔兰,上次在1911年,爱尔兰还是大英帝国的属地,这次则是“两位国家元首的平等会晤”。爱尔兰报纸 Irish Examiner 的头版社评,就是以这一时刻为焦点:


AT precisely 12.47 yesterday afternoon, the course of Anglo-Irish relations changed forever when Queen Elizabeth II signed the visitor’s book at Áras an Uachtaráin. It was a deeply psychological and symbolic moment, an acknowledgment by the British head of state that she was in Ireland as a visitor, a guest of the Irish head of state, President Mary McAleese. It was a meeting of equals, a coming together of the representatives of two neighbouring nations in mutual respect, a moment of which the peopel of Ireland can rightly be pround.

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