10月 13 2010

Howard Jacobson Man Booker Prize acceptance speech

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2010年度 Man Booker Prize 获得者 Howard Jacobson 的简短诙谐的获奖致辞

I’m speechless.

Fortunately I prepared one early. It’s dated 1983. That’s how long the wait’s been. And I see here there’s another alternated acceptance speech of 1994, then 2002, which I appeared to amend only slightly for 2004, 2006 and 2008.

I note that my language in these speeches grows less gracious with the years.

You start to want to blame the judges who have given you the prize for all the prizes they didn’t give you. But they aren’t, of course, the same judges.

Tonight, I forgive everyone – they were only doing their job, those judges, every one of whose names I could reel off.

As for the judges of 2010 Man Booker Prize, they surpass all praise. I thank them.

reel off: to say a list of things quickly and without much effort. 这是一个英国英语的用法,也许可以译成“张口就来”。

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