6月 27 2008

Daily quote: lost the deposit

Published by under Daily Quote

今天是布朗担任英国首相一周年,然而新闻头条却是工党如何在英格兰地区 Henley 的议会议员补选中,如何被羞辱,“lost the deposit”。


Henley 是传统保守党重镇,工党原来就没报任何希望,但是工党的候选人Richard McKenzie最后只得到1066张选票,甚至排在极右政党BNP后面,仅仅得到3%选票,丢了500镑的押金。

所以用 lost the deposit,最形象地形容了布朗领导下的工党的窘境。中文中其实有一句同样形象,但更加刻薄、不太友好的话:“把裤子都输光了”。

BBC: Labour candidate Richard McKenzie lost his deposit as he trailed in behind the Greens and the British National Party.

The Times: Gordon Brown’s first anniversary as Labour leader began with the party securing only 1,066 votes, losing its £500 deposit.

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