3月 24 2009

England defend the selection of King

Published by under BBC,咬文嚼字

今天在BBC Radio 5 Live 的新闻更新 newsflash 上看到短短一行字:

England defend the selection of King



England national football team defend the selection of Ledley King as a member of the team.

在体育报道中,用 England、France 等国家名代表英格兰队、法国队是通行的做法。这个缩略句还玩了另一个小花招,defend – Ledley King 的位置是中卫或前卫,是一个典型的防守队员 defender

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3月 15 2009


Published by under Word by Word

Princess Beatrice in The Young Victoria

在英国电影 The Young Victoria 中,电影监制 Sarah Ferguson 把自己的女儿 Princess Beatrice 安排进去担任了一个没有台词的角色,一个维多利亚女王登基时的 Lady-in-waiting。

Lady-in-waiting 这个词读起来很有味道,似乎充满了神秘感和怀旧味道。Lady-in-waiting 有翻译成“侍女”、“仕女”、“宫女”的,其实“女侍官”是最合适的,但是就少了原文的那种婉约感。Lady-in-waiting 是英国宫廷内女王、王后、公主、和高等女贵族身边的女随从,但不是女仆,她们其实是主人的忠诚陪伴、闺中密友、私人秘书、助手等等的混合体,本身也必须是贵族身份、比主人的等级低、可以倾心交谈又不会对主人的地位造成威胁--当然有例外,比如大名鼎鼎的 Anne Boleyn。

现代英国皇室中,依然有 Lady-in-waiting,候选人依然是贵族出身或是贵族后代,从事的工作,也是陪伴、皇家仪式时的随从、以及部份秘书的工作。在 BBC 2007年的纪录片 Monarchy: The Roayl Family at Work 中,女王的 Ladies-in-waiting 的工作之一是阅读平民寄给女王的信件(其中有许多是生日卡),并一一做出回复。

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2月 22 2009

In the firing line

Published by under BBC,咬文嚼字

《泰晤士报》负责读者反馈的编辑 Sally Baker 在星期六的专栏中有这么一段:

Allowed a front-page headline “Bankers in the firing line” when, as Robert Colbeck, among others, pointed out: “If you are in the firing line you are the one doing the shooting. If you are being shot at (presumably the image the headline-writer was striving for) you are either under fire or in the line of fire.”

原来我也一直以为 in the firing line 是指“面对炮火”,遭到攻击的意思。经以上这位读者解释,in the firing line 其实是指处于“射击线”上向目标开火。一个是被打,一个个打别人,意义大相径庭。


Forbes.com: Britain’s Bonuses in the Firing Line 说的是银行奖金遭攻击

Daily Mail: Defenc funding in the firing line 说得是国防开支缩减

但在 BBC网站上的新闻标题是用对了这个词组:

BBC: Child soldiers in the firing line 说得是非洲的未成年士兵参战

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2月 07 2009

How to offend people

Published by under Word by Word

最近BBC接连出现两起“带冒犯性字眼”(offending words),在 Russel Brand/Jonathan Ross事件之后,BBC动作很快,在第一时间就处理的事件。

第一起是 Golliwog ,BBC One 的 The One Show 的主持之一,前首相撒切尔夫人的女儿 Carole Thatcher 在节目的准备间 (green room) 中,用 golliwog 来形容一位参加澳大利亚网球公开赛的球员。在现场人士投诉之后,BBC 要求 Carol Thatcher 正式道歉被拒绝,于是 The One Show 决定不再让她参与节目制作

Golliwog 是一个玩具,一个黑脸、白眼、红唇、爆炸式头发的玩具,最早 Golliwogg 这个角色是由英国儿童作家 Kate Upton 在19世纪末创作,以后以 Golliwog 为名的布玩具开始流行,至今还有得卖。但是 Golliwog 以及其变种 golli 、wog 从二战以来,一直被用作形容黑人,带有侮辱性的歧视含义,虽然许多白人并没有意识到这一称呼的歧视意义。这也许是 Carol Thatcher 不愿道歉的原因。Hannah Pool 在今天的 Guardian 上说得切中要害:

I’m not saying you have to be black to have a point of view on this, but you certainly have to be black to have ever been called a golliwog, so when a white man tells me he doesn’t see what the problem is, well, am I really expected to take him seriously?


第二起是 one-eyed Scottish idiot。BBC 的汽车节目 Top Gear 主持 Jeremy Clarkson 在澳大利亚出席宣传活动时,把英国首相布朗成为 one-eyed Scottish idiot,当即引起了皇家失明人士协会和一些苏格兰政客的抗议,在这之后,Jeremy Clarkson 通过 BBC 发表了道歉声明。布朗是苏格兰人,年轻时候在玩橄榄球时受伤导致一只眼睛几乎失明。

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1月 20 2009

Inaugural speech of President Barack Obama

Published by under 英语阅读

Inaugural address of President Barack Obama

My fellow citizens:

I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.

Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.

So it has been. So it must be with this generation of Americans.

Continue Reading »

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11月 23 2008

Buzzword: fiscal stimulus

Published by under Buzzword

上星期 BBC Radio 4 上一位女主持顺口说,目前的经济危机,已经到了“Darling, do something!”的地步。这里的 Darling,当然是英国财相 Alistair Darling,他的这个奇妙的姓,是标题党们梦寐以求的。当然英语中还有许多奇妙的姓,Love 已是很普通,还有姓 Kiss 的。上次把一架忽然失去动力的英航班机安全滑翔到西思罗机场的驾驶员姓 Coward。

Daily Mail: A hero called Coward. BA pilot declares it was his deputy who landed stricken flight.

喊 Darling, do something! 是有原因的,Alistair Darling 即将在下周一公布下一年度财政预算案的预案,万众关注的,是其中的 fiscal stimulus --“财政刺激”方案。最近是首相布朗首先使用 fiscal stimulus 这个说法,为什么不说大白话 tax cut --“减税”呢?原因是:1.用术语显得比较专业;2.fiscal stimulus 听上去更正面,更象是在“采取行动”;3.避免卷进 tax cut 这个传统上左右两派的纷争。全球金融风暴暂时让意识形态乱了套,工党政府高举“减税刺激经济”大旗,保守党就跳出来说“不能不负责任的减税”。

Independent: Brown and Darling slash VAT in £18bn tax gamble

…Mr Brown is banking on tax cuts to provide the “fiscal stimulus” needed to kick-start the economy out of recession.

BBC: PM calls for global tax-cutting

He said: “It is now becoming increasingly accepted around the world that a temporary and affordable fiscal stimulus is necessary.”

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11月 04 2008

Daily quote: middle class working class

Published by under Daily Quote

前首相 John Prescott 一直以自己是 working class 出身而自豪,同样一直认为英国的 class system 依然顽固地存在着。他为BBC拍摄的2小时长的纪录片 The Class System And Me 就是他到处找人辩论 class system。其中一段他和17岁的少女 Josie Hall 和她的朋友对话。Josie Hall 住在council house,中学因打老师被开除,没有工作,但是能说会道,颇有思想。他们谈到 class system:

John Prescott: What class are you then?

Josie Hall: I’m middle class.

John Prescott: You are middle class?

Josie Hall: Yeah. I ain’t got lots of money. I’m not poor.

John Prescott: As far as I see, I will say you are working class, but you say you are middle class.

Jose Hall: But I don’t work.

这其实是一部蛮有趣的纪录片。Independent 上有一篇详细的评论

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11月 02 2008

Daily quote: Mona Lisa and Liverpool

Published by under BBC,Daily Quote

Terrence Davies's Of Time and the City

星期五BBC Radio 5 Live 下午的 Simon Mayo 节目上,影评人 Mark Kermode 在评论英国导演 Terrence Davies 以他的故乡 Liverpool 为主题的新片 Of Time and the City。在播了一段电影录音之后,两人的一段对话:

Mark Kermode: Can’t you just listen to that voice just for the whole of rest of the day?

Simon Mayo: Not really. No.

Mark Kermode: Really? Oh. Here we go then.

Simon Mayo: Is the film better than that?

Mark Kermode: Well…That’s rather like someone looking at Mona Lisa goes “Is that all?”


Terrence Davies’s Of Time and the City

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10月 01 2008

Daily quote: older and younger

Published by under Daily Quote

哲学家 Julian Baggini 在他为 BBC Radio 4 的 Archive Hour 节目制作的专题 Julian Baggini’s Sound Philosophy 中的一段话:

We’re living at a time when people stay younger older, going to Glastonbury, listening to iPod in their forties, fifities, even older. But in other sense, we are getting older much younger. It’s now possible for someone in their twenties to be nostalgic about all sort of things no longer surround us because changing pace of the society is now so fast.


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9月 18 2008

Buzzword: short selling

Published by under Buzzword

Short selling 即“卖空”,是一个股市操作用语,指在预计某只股票会跌的情况下,先从其他股东手里借到股票,抛出,然后在股票价格下跌之后,以低价买入股票,还给股东。如果押得准,获利可以极大;当然如果押错,损失也是惊人。

Short selling 成为 buzzword,是因为银行危机最近几天已经到了急转直下的阶段。有人提出 short selling 是罪魁祸首之一,指责有人故意制造恐慌,压低股价,借机牟利。于是在美国证卷管理当局禁止 short selling 之后,英国的金融管理局 FSA 也在今天宣布,从明天开始,将禁止 short selling

其实 short selling 是有其正常功用,Seth Freedman 今天在《卫报》网站上说禁止 short selling属于莫名其妙

Short selling 只是这次金融危机的一小部份。所有人的共识是,在此过后,一切都会不同了,将会有一套新的规则诞生。

在拼法上,是 short selling 还是 short-selling。在英国报纸中,只有《卫报》(Guardian)用的是 short selling,《泰晤士报》(Times)、《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)《独立报》(Independent)、BBC等用的是 short-selling。

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