当英国首相布朗在 Davos 大谈贸易保护主义的危险之时,英国的 Total 炼油厂工人正在举行非正式罢工,原因是炼油厂把一些工程外包给意大利和葡萄牙的公司,意大利和葡萄牙人抢了英国工人的饭碗。罢工工人举出的标语上写着 British jobs for British people,是布朗两年前在工党大会上喊出的口号,以示他为英国工人代言的形象。
但 是 British jobs for British people 不仅是保护主义,而且在欧盟内部也是不合法的。人员的自由流动,正是欧盟的重要支柱。正象昨晚 Channel 4 News 所说,正确的说法,应该是 European jobs for European people。
英国众议院每周三中午有30分钟的 Prime Minister’s Question Time (PMQ – 我过去曾用过“首相提问时间”和“首相答问时间”两种译法,显然后者更好)。现在的趋势,根据一些议会专门报道议会辩论的记者(他们的职业称呼是 sketch writer – 议会写生员),似乎是越来越粗鲁没礼貌。原因是工党首相布朗(Gordon Brown)容易动怒又不会开玩笑骂人,而保守党领袖卡梅伦(Cameron)倒是严辞锋利,但为了避免显得夸夸其谈太轻飘,不得不时时做出激愤状。两人你来我往谁也收不住,有时弄得大家都下不了台,身后的议员们就表现得像是一群看人打架在一边拍手叫好的看客,常常裁判--Common Speaker (众议院主席)不得不介入拉架。所以本周三双方互骂对方 student politics 就显得挺应时:
The Prime Minister tried to be rude in return by accusing Mr Cameron of playing “student politics“, but the Tory leader batted this straight back: “Mr Speaker, only one of us was a student politician and he’s never grown out of it.”
Mr Brown was obsessed by student politics at Edinburgh: Mr Cameron kept out of student politics at Oxford.
《泰晤士报》上的 Ann Treneman 则更多地感叹在世界经济危机面前,别人都团结一致,英国的议员们却东奔西散:
Student politics? We should be so lucky. This may even be sub-playground. I have seen pre-schoolers behave better. What is strange is that, in the country, the recession has brought us together. As a people, we are hunkering down, trying to ride it out. But, at Westminster, the recession has driven our politicians farther apart. Now, as surreal as a dream, they are screaming into the wind across an ever-growing abyss.
Both critics are good friends of mine and both have undeniably tremendous appetites, but both are rather hamstrung, I guess you could say, by working for a newspaper group whose business model turns on the certainty that schoolteachers, social workers and angry jobless graduates will always need a newspaper, so it might as well be theirs. Thus any restaurant (or indeed anything) that reeks of frivolity, extravagance, bourgeois aspiration or pretentiousness must be flattened with the cold hammer of Socialist Realism.
前首相 John Prescott 一直以自己是 working class 出身而自豪,同样一直认为英国的 class system 依然顽固地存在着。他为BBC拍摄的2小时长的纪录片 The Class System And Me 就是他到处找人辩论 class system。其中一段他和17岁的少女 Josie Hall 和她的朋友对话。Josie Hall 住在council house,中学因打老师被开除,没有工作,但是能说会道,颇有思想。他们谈到 class system:
John Prescott: What class are you then?
Josie Hall: I’m middle class.
John Prescott: You are middle class?
Josie Hall: Yeah. I ain’t got lots of money. I’m not poor.
John Prescott: As far as I see, I will say you are working class, but you say you are middle class.
Guardian’s Simon Hoggart recreated the scene of the communication between British Chancellor of Exchequer Alistair Darling and his Iceland counterpart:
(Later, Alistair Darling told us that he was at sea. “Getting information out of Iceland is quite difficult,” he said. Imaging their attempts. “The British Treasury here. Can you tell us what is going on?”
“You call is important to us. Please hold.” Then half an hour of Vivaldi.)
We’re living at a time when people stay younger older, going to Glastonbury, listening to iPod in their forties, fifities, even older. But in other sense, we are getting older much younger. It’s now possible for someone in their twenties to be nostalgic about all sort of things no longer surround us because changing pace of the society is now so fast.
This kid really has to change his attitude towards the media. He talks to the media. He always smiles. He shakes hands with journalists. He shakes hands with camera men. He says thank you after an interview. He’s giving formula one drivers a bad name!