12月 08 2010
Quote: suddenly found religion over
在《每日电讯报》副主编 Benedict Brogan 的博客上看到这段文字:
To those who wonder why David Davis has suddenly found religion over tuition fees, he can point to the article he wrote for the Mail on Sunday more than a year ago as proof that his view has run counter to the expansion of tuition fes for some time.
这个“suddenly found religion over…”是个有趣的用法,可以译成“忽然对……这么执着”,但是这个用法含着强烈的讽刺口气。
《每日电讯报》是支持保守党的报纸,David Davis 曾是保守党中比较右翼的人物,还是卡梅伦竞选保守党领袖时的对手,但近年来政治立场发生转向,曾为抗议工党政府延长拘留疑犯时间而辞去议员职位。可以理解《每日电讯报》对他有着疑惑甚至嘲笑的态度,这次事关联合政府提议增加大学学费至每年9千英镑,David Davis 是保守党中第一个公开表示会投反对票的议员,难怪支持这项政策的《每日电讯报》要讽刺他一下。