5月 14 2010
Sunk into his arms
Operation Mincemeat 是一部军事历史小说,不过其中也有一小段浪漫故事。作者 Ben Macintyre 在讲述这一行动中的一个角色,英国海军潜艇“六翼天使号”(Seraph)的艇长 Bill Jewell 的求爱行动时,用了许多海军军事词汇,十分幽默:
Once Bill Jewell had spotted Rosemary on his emotional periscope, he pursued her with unswerving determination. p275
For two joyful weeks, he had wooed her with every weapon at his disposal: French food, an American swimming pool and a British car with doors that wouldn’t open. Rosemary was in no mind to resist, and at the end of his sustained bombardment she had sunk, unresistingly, into Lieutenant Jewell’s arms. p276
Bill Jewell 和 Rosemary Galloway 于 1944年6月结婚,在以后的54年里,“absolutley devoted to one another”。 p322