His sudden death is a strange kind of victory. He had managed to prevent his ageing and even his growing up. There was no beard upon his chin; his voice was a childish treble. Instead of entering middle age and letting himself be chained to earth, he has floated away like a wisp, annihilated on the brink of a 50-date concert tour that I for one was dreading.
Michael Jackson may have spent his last years mutating into an ever more freakish version of himself, eventually becoming a prize exhibit in the celebrity zoo, but under the outlandish surface was a singer who had come by his fame not via mere eccentricity or a stroke of luck, but through a genuinely remarkable talent that deserved to conquer the world.
昨天 Lord Carter 的 Digital Britain white paper 一出,BBC Trust 主席 Sir Michael Lyons 随即公开表示反对政府对 BBC 拥有的 TV licence 进行 top slicing。Top slicing 最近在讨论 BBC 前途时,出现很多,指的是政府打算从 TV licence 收入中扣除一部份用于其它用途,可以翻译成“切蛋糕”式的瓜分。与 top slicing 相对的是 salami slicing,在这个语境下,是指 TV licence 总数减少,但全部给 BBC,这样 BBC 就必须象“切香肠”那样处处节省一点。
Lyons, responding to the publication of Lord Carter’s Digital Britain report today, reiterated that he opposes any move to “top-slice” the licence for purposes beyond the BBC.
Michael Lyons 在他的采访中,还说政府不能把 BBC 手里的 TV licence fee 当作 slush fund 一样,说拿就拿。Slush fund 多翻译成“行贿基金”、“收买基金”,其实中文里有个很贴切的词,而且也符合这个语境:“小金库”。
Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, has hit out at government plans to use part of the BBC licence fee as a “slush fund” to pay for the delivery of regional news by independent consortia.
They have spent so many years bending to have the yoke slipped over their shoulders they don’t know to react to the chance of independence, like ex-cons who can’t cope with freedom and offend again in order to be sent back to jail.
保守党影子内阁成员 William Hague 是有名的言辞犀利的政客,这个星期他在下议院辩论厅嘲笑布朗内阁改组之后的有着超长头衔的 Peter Mandelson:
And Lord Mandelson, denied the opportunity of becoming Foreign Secrectary, by the sad combination of a Prime Minister too weak to remove his Foreign Secrectary, being equally matched by Foregin Secrectary too weak to challenge the Prime Minister, has gone around instead collecting titles and even whole government department under his name. Now adding that the Right Honourable the Baron Mandelson of Foy in the County of Herefordshire and Hartpool in the County of Durham, First Secrectary of State, and Lord President of Privy Council, and Secrectary of State for Business, and Secrectary of State for Innovation and Skills. It would be no surprise to wake up in the morning and find him become an Archbishop.
这段话听录自BBC Radio 4 的 Week in Westminster 节目,不过如果一定要找文字记录的话,可以到议会网站找议会出版物 Hansard。
《卫报》的Simon Hoggart今天在他的文章中议论新工党(New Labour)喜爱的拗口难懂的句子结构和用词,其中提到了前工党内阁大臣 James Purnell 的辞职信:
I always thought that New Labour regarded the English language as an enemy – or at least an impertinent incovenience, to be bullied into submission. Hence all those terrible terms from management-speak, such as “stakeholder”, “pathway project” and “the patient journey”, sometimes leading to weird, unexpected images. For example, no minister could ever say “we are trying to find ways of improving children’s diets” when she could – and did – say “we are rolling out fresh fruit in primary schools.”
Worst of all, they don’t listen to themselves. Take James Purnell’s resignation letter: “I am therefore calling on you to stand aside to give our party a fighting chance of winning. As such, I am resigning from the government.”
“As such”? What on earth does that mean? Why not “for that reason”? Or “since that is how I feel”? Or just “so”? As I say, they never seem to pay any heed to what they are saying, still less writing.