在英国电影 The Young Victoria 中,电影监制 Sarah Ferguson 把自己的女儿 Princess Beatrice 安排进去担任了一个没有台词的角色,一个维多利亚女王登基时的 Lady-in-waiting。
Lady-in-waiting 这个词读起来很有味道,似乎充满了神秘感和怀旧味道。Lady-in-waiting 有翻译成“侍女”、“仕女”、“宫女”的,其实“女侍官”是最合适的,但是就少了原文的那种婉约感。Lady-in-waiting 是英国宫廷内女王、王后、公主、和高等女贵族身边的女随从,但不是女仆,她们其实是主人的忠诚陪伴、闺中密友、私人秘书、助手等等的混合体,本身也必须是贵族身份、比主人的等级低、可以倾心交谈又不会对主人的地位造成威胁--当然有例外,比如大名鼎鼎的 Anne Boleyn。
现代英国皇室中,依然有 Lady-in-waiting,候选人依然是贵族出身或是贵族后代,从事的工作,也是陪伴、皇家仪式时的随从、以及部份秘书的工作。在 BBC 2007年的纪录片 Monarchy: The Roayl Family at Work 中,女王的 Ladies-in-waiting 的工作之一是阅读平民寄给女王的信件(其中有许多是生日卡),并一一做出回复。
The Concise OED definition of ‘in the firing line‘ is: ‘1. The front line of troops in a battle; 2. A position where one is subject to criticism or blame.’
但是显然Sally Baker的字典(Collins English Dictionary)上没有这种说法。《卫报》的“文字规范”(Style guide)显然支持她的观点。原因很简单:他们用的同一本字典。
firing line
the people who do the firing; if they are aiming at you, you are in the line of fire not in the firing line.
我其实一直有这个疑惑,在适用 None of these 这样的词组时,后面跟的动词照理应该是单数形式,但是 None of them has this skill 这样的句子看上去不是太顺眼。这个星期六《泰晤士报》的读者反馈上 Sally Baker 对此进行了一番调查发现:
It is a mistake to suppose that the pronoun is singular only and must at all costs be followed by singular verbs or pronouns.
Use a singular verb where possible but if the notion of plurality is present a plural verb has been optional since the OE period and in some circumstances is desirable. The type ‘none of them have finished their essays’ is better than the clumsy ‘…has finished his or her essay’.
原来 None of these, None of them 这样的词组之后的动词,可以适用单数形式,也可以适用复数形式,取决于上下文。
It is a (very persistent) myth that “none” has to take a singular verb: plural is acceptable and often sounds more natural, eg “none of the current squad are good enough to play in the Premiership”, “none of the issues have been resolved”