8月 21 2012

Top 10 jokes Edinburgh Fringe 2012

Published by under Daily Quote


1) “You know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks.” – Stewart Francis
提示:give a bad name 的双关含义

2) “Last night me and my girlfriend watched three DVDs back to back. Luckily I was the one facing the telly.” – Tim Vine
提示:这个笑话可能现场听比看句子更好笑,看到“back to back”时,我已经觉得笑点会是在这里

3) “I was raised as an only child, which really annoyed my sister.” – Will Marsh

4) “You know you’re working class when your TV is bigger than your book case.” – Rob Beckett

5) “I’m good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet … I don’t know Y.” – Chris Turner

6) “I took part in the sun tanning Olympics – I just got Bronze.” – Tim Vine

7) “Pornography is often frowned upon, but that’s only because I’m concentrating.” – George Ryegold

8) “I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!” – Stewart Francis

9) “I waited an hour for my starter so I complained: ‘It’s not rocket salad.” – Lou Sanders

10) “My mum’s so pessimistic, that if there was an Olympics for pessimism … she wouldn’t fancy her chances.” – Nish Kumar


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8月 24 2010

Daily Quote: Edinburgh Fringe 2010 best jokes

Published by under Daily Quote

今年爱丁堡边缘艺术节(Edinburgh Fringe)上评选出来的10大最佳笑话,看看你能看懂几个吧,我就没看懂第7和第10个。

1) Tim Vine “I’ve just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I’ll tell you what, never again.”

2) David Gibson “I’m currently dating a couple of anorexics. Two birds, one stone.”

3) Emo Philips “I picked up a hitch hiker. You’ve got to when you hit them.”

4) Jack Whitehall “I bought one of those anti-bullying wristbands when they first came out. I say ‘bought’, I actually stole it off a short, fat ginger kid.”

5) Gary Delaney “As a kid I was made to walk the plank. We couldn’t afford a dog.”

6) John Bishop “Being an England supporter is like being the over-optimistic parents of the fat kid on sports day.”

7) Bo Burnham “What do you call a kid with no arms and an eyepatch? Names.”

8) Gary Delaney “Dave drowned. So at the funeral we got him a wreath in the shape of a lifebelt. Well, it’s what he would have wanted.”

9) Robert White “For Vanessa Feltz, life is like a box of chocolates: Empty.”

10) Gareth Richards “Wooden spoons are great. You can either use them to prepare food. Or, if you can’t be bothered with that, just write a number on one and walk into a pub…”

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