12月 03 2007

From Stalin to Mr Bean

Published by under Buzzword

在上周的“首相问答时间”(Prime Minister’s Question Time, PMQ)中,临时担任自由民主党魁的 Vince Cable 抛出了首相布朗“从斯大林变成憨豆先生”这么一个说法,引起众议院满堂哄笑。他说:

The house has noticed the prime minister’s the remarkable transformation in the last few weeks – from Stalin to Mr Bean.


所谓 Gordon Brown 是斯大林的说法,来自前内阁秘书 Lord Turnbull。他在 Brown 即将上任时,对《金融时报》说:

You cannot help admire the sheer Stalinist ruthlessnes of it all.


From Stalin to Mr Bean – The Daily Telegraph

Not so much Stalin as Mr Bean: Gordon Brown is made to play the fool in stage farce – The Times


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