5月 08 2008

Daily Quote: pub footballer

Published by at 23:30 under Daily Quote

Simon Hattenstone on Iván Campo:

The spaniard does not just look like a pub footballer, he looks like a pub footballer who has sunk 14 pints with William Hague on a Friday night, gone down the rankest curry house for chicken vindaloo and chips, missed the last bus home, slept on a park bench, not washed and turned up at the Reebok, 2.55pm on the Saturday, to play for Bolton Wanderers.

Somehow I can’t find this article the Guardian website (was published on 30 April 2008).

pub footballer: 相对于 professional footballer,有“乌合之众”之意。

14 pints with William Hague: 前保守党党魁 William Hague 有一次为显示自己并非脱离劳动大众,称自己年轻时打工运送啤酒到酒吧,按规矩每次酒吧都会请搬运工喝一杯(pint)啤酒,并称他最多一天可以送14个酒吧。于是并传成“年轻时每天喝14杯啤酒”(14 pint Hague)。

rank: adj. Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.

chicken vindaloo and chips: 去印度餐馆吃 chips 是改造的吃法。

Reebok: Bolton Wanderers 的主场。

2.55pm on the Saturday: 英超足球比赛的正常开赛时间是周六下午3点。

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Daily Quote: pub footballer”

  1. Stevenon 16 5月 2008 at 17:54

    pint 是品脱吧,一个容量单位
    Simon Hattenstone ? 他是一个新闻评论员?
    Ivan Campo 是很多年前一个著名西班牙球员,没记错的话在皇马和西班牙国家队效力,大概是7,8年前了吧
    curry house 特指印度餐厅,貌似是north Indian cuisine以curry出名

  2. newlighton 28 5月 2008 at 00:22

    Pint: 英国的啤酒大都以 pint 计,一个 pint 是 568 ml。美国也有 pint,却只有 473 ml。

    Simon Hattenstone 是 Guardian 的一个记者。

    Iván Campo 离开皇家马德里之后,就去了 Bolton Wanderers。

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