6月 28 2007

Daily Quote: No, not?

Published by at 11:02 under Daily Quote


Simon Hoggart on the Guardian:

Someone asked if he had any advice for his successor. “No”, he snapped. “He is perfectly capable of doing the job on his own.” The word “Not!” hovered unspoken in the air.

Andrew Gimson on the Daily Telegraph:

“Do you have any advice for your successor?” another correspondent ventured, to which Mr Blair replied with a brevity almost worthy of Clement Attlee: “No. He’s perfectly capable of doing the job on his own, thank you.”

Some of us took this to mean that Mr Blair will leave Gordon Brown to make a terrible mess of being Prime Minister and will then have a jolly good laugh at his expense.

One response so far

One Response to “Daily Quote: No, not?”

  1. […] 霍加特的“速写”,讽刺起人来毫不留情,比如他形容前首相梅杰的英语“好像是通过学习外语学来的”,而前副首相普雷斯哥特(John Prescott)说起话来就仿佛“和英语有仇”。在布莱尔的最后一次记者招待会上,在被问道对继任者布朗有何忠告时,布莱尔说不需要,因为布朗“完全有能力承担这份重任”,霍加特接着写道:“那个没说出口的‘没’字在空中飘荡着”。在布莱尔最后一次PMQ结束之后,布朗站起身来,拍了拍他的背,说“干得好!”,可是霍加特看到的却是布朗在布莱尔的背上拍了一下,“仿佛在说:‘看,大门在那儿呢’。” […]

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