11月 22 2007


Published by under 咬文嚼字

当别人对你说“谢谢”时,如何恰当地回复?Philip Howard 在《泰晤士报》上作了回答

Q: I am never satisfied with the acknowledgements to “thank you” in English. “Y’a welcome” – too American. “It’s nothing” – too Spanish. “Don’t mention it” – too awful. “My pleasure”, “that’s all right”, “any time” – not always appropriate. Can you help?
–Ann Irving, Guildford

A: Interesting. The most common reply to “thank you” in England is “cheers”. And common it is. Indeed, Charlie. But it is not always necessary to return the shuttlecocok when somebody says “thank you”. Much can be done with a self-deprecating smile. I fear that I may somtimes say “okey dokey”. The form of words does not matter as much as the warmth of your reponse by gesture and meaning.

这里我唯一看不懂的,是 Indeed, Charlie 这一句。除了以上说法,回应别人的 thank you,还可以用 no problem, no bother 这样的说法。用 okey dokey 倒是比较少见。其中还是有些细微的差别。

说 thank you 还有其它说法,thanks 是明显的变化。要加强,可以说 thank you very much 或 thanks a lot, many thanks 等。我记得刚到英国时,很疑惑地发现很多人在该说 thank you 的场合说 cheers。这好像只有在英国澳大利亚这样的地方流行,来源不明。如果你在苏格兰,还可以说 ta 。两种都是比较随意的说法。

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