10月 15 2007


Published by under Word by Word

Shibboleth 是哥伦比亚艺术家 Doris Salcedo 在伦敦 Tate Modern 的“轮机房大厅”(Turbine Hall)的作品。Turbine Hall 中的作品,可以任凭作者想像,限制只是这个原电站轮机房内部巨大的空间,一年换一次。Shibboleth 是第7届作品。

Shibboleth (Oxford English Dictionary):

a word used as a test for detecting people from another district or country by their pronunciation; a word or a sound very difficult for foreigners to pronounce correctly.

Shibboleth 的来源是:

The Old Testament relates that the Ephraimites were trying to cross the river Jordan when they were caught by their sworn enemies the Gileadites, who forced them all to say the word “shibboleth”. Since the unfortunate Ephraimites’ dialect did not include the sound “sh”, this allowed the Gileadites to identify and slaughter large numbers of Ephraimites.


Shibboleth 是件真正利用 Turbine Hall 空间的作品:大厅混凝土地面上的一条裂缝。大厅入口处的垃圾桶地下开始,是地面上的一条细小的裂缝,细缝向厅内延伸,越变越大,在某处分成两支,最粗之处成人可以伸入手臂--但深不能见底。

这件作品,是如何做出来的?难道真是在 Tate Modern 地面上凿出一条裂缝?艺术馆表示绝不会透露内幕。不过上周《卫报》上有篇非常精彩的介绍文章,而且最后还会透露这件作品的制作秘密。


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