11月 14 2008

英语阅读 Platon’s best shot

Published by under 英语阅读

《时代》杂志记者 Platon 向 Leo Benedictus 回忆他在2007年底前往莫斯科拍摄俄罗斯总统普京肖像的过程。Platon 说普京肖像是他最好的作品。

Platon’s best shot
‘There were snipers everywhere. Putin saw my tears and said: I’ll do it’

* Leo Benedictus
* The Guardian, Thursday November 13 2008

Vladimir Putin hates having his portrait taken. But when Time magazine made him its Man of the Year for 2007 he said he would grant an interview. So then there was this big question: would he pose for a photograph?

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10月 14 2008

英语阅读 Do open plan offices work?

Published by under 英语阅读


Do open plan offices work?
Leo Benedictus

The Guardian,
Tuesday October 14 2008

Gordon Brown certainly thinks so. Yesterday it was reported that the prime minister will shortly be moving his team into 12 Downing Street, where there is room to create a large shared space that will reflect his famously relaxed personality and laid-back working style.

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