7月 25 2010

“The Peloton” by Harry Peterson

Published by under 英语阅读

2010年的环法自行车赛今天结束。在ITV网站上,有一首由 Harry Peterson 写的诗,名为 The Peloton,由ITV的环法自行车赛解说 Phil Liggett 朗读

“The Peloton” by Harry Peterson

Multi-hued with speed imbued the peloton advances,
And passing by provides the eye with momentary glances,
Of muscled limbs and flashing rims, shaded eyes and plastered thighs,
Mitted hands upon the bars holding on for hours and hours.

The entourage of bikes and cars are there to give support,
Through rain and sun their labours run donating what is sort,
Replacing wheels, handing drink, advising riders when they think
A change of plan could help their man to gain a lead through further speed.

The peloton streams forward with power that is driven,
By domestiques who through the weeks yield effort freely given,
To aid the team achieve their dream for which they all have striven.
No glory theirs, no podium place but they’re the force that drives the race.

The progress made is undelayed by any circumstances,
The peloton rides on and on inspite of all mischances,
So the stars will win their glory, through the help of those who ride,
In the peloton behind them and are justly filled with pride.

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9月 14 2008

Daily Quote: different way to praise

Published by under Daily Quote

F1意大利站,21岁的德国车手 Sebastian Vettel 驾着 Toro Roso 夺得第一名,成为获得F1分站冠军最年轻的车手。比赛将尽时,ITV 的解说,前F1车手 Martin Blundell 忽然冒出这么一段(凭我记忆的大意):

This kid really has to change his attitude towards the media. He talks to the media. He always smiles. He shakes hands with journalists. He shakes hands with camera men. He says thank you after an interview. He’s giving formula one drivers a bad name!

引得他的解说搭档 James Allen 一顿爆笑。

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