11月 13 2008

英语阅读 JK Rowling on Harry Potter’s last, long walk

Published by under 英语阅读

英国作家 JK Rowling 在《生日图册》(The Birthday Book)中介绍她最喜欢的生日故事,选择她自己的作品《哈利·波特与致命圣灵》(Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows)中的一段:哈利·波特即将独自面对伏地魔(Voldemort)。

JK Rowling on Harry Potter’s last, long walk
The author introduces her favourite scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this extract from The Birthday Book, a treasury of children’s stories and poems

* JK Rowling
* guardian.co.uk, Thursday November 13 2008 11.19 GMT

Harry Potter by Quentin Blake Harry Potter in the Dark Forest. Illustration by Quentin Blake, copyright © JK Rowling 2008

I admit that, at first glance, the extract I’ve chosen for The Birthday Book might not seem particularly celebratory, given that it has for its subject my hero walking to what he believes will be certain death. But when Harry takes his last, long walk into the heart of the Dark Forest, he is choosing to accept a burden that fell on him when still a tiny child, in spite of the fact that he never sought the role for which he has been cast, never wanted the scar with which he has been marked. As his mentor, Albus Dumbledore, has tried to make clear to Harry, he could have refused to follow the path marked out for him. In spite of the weight of opinion and expectation that singles him out as the “Chosen One”, it is Harry’s own will that takes him into the Forest to meet Voldemort, prepared to suffer the fate that he escaped sixteen years before.

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