10月 08 2008

英语阅读 Rally driver Guy Wilks on Death Race

Published by under 英语阅读

动作片《死亡赛车》(Death Race)正在英国公映,电影中的男主角,一位汽车拉力赛车手不得不参加一场”死亡赛车”游戏。2007年英国汽车拉力赛冠军 Guy Wilks 从职业角度评述这部电影的可信性。

Another view
Rally driver Guy Wilks on Death Race

Interview by Paul Arendt
Wednesday October 8 2008

Funnily enough, I’m not really into car movies. When I come home after a week’s rallying, I don’t even want to talk about driving – it’s my day job, and sometimes you’ve got to chill. So I found Death Race a bit lacklustre. It starts out well, with a mysterious murder, but as soon as the racing begins the film turns into a sadistic, live-action version of Mario Kart.

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