1月 25 2008

Daily Quote: Walk the plank

Published by under Daily Quote

Michael White of the Guardian comments on Peter Hain’s resignation:

Hindsight specialists were quick to argue that Brown’s failure to make him walk the plank in December – when the real scale of his initial £5,000 amnesia began to become clearer – is further proof of his indecision.


hindsight specilaist (“马后炮专家”似乎不如原文清晰和精彩);

walk the plank 是指在船甲板上架起一块木板(plank),伸向船外,然后让人从板上走过去,掉入海中,现在指被逼辞职;

£5,000 amnesia 指 Peter Hain 声称“忘了申报”的借口。

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