10月 07 2008

英语阅读 How to be a student: The art of avoiding plagiarism

Published by under 英语阅读

How to be a student 是 Harriet Swain 在《卫报》教育版为大学新生撰写的一个系列,今天说的是如何在作业中如何避免无意中剽窃他人劳动。

The art of avoiding plagiarism
How to be student

Harriet Swain
Tuesday October 7 2008

The best way to avoid plagiarism is to avoid reading anything written by somebody else. Unfortunately, this is not really what higher education is supposed to be about. While university teachers prize originality, they are not so keen on students relying entirely on imagination. By original thought, they tend to mean thinking something new about the thoughts of lots of other people, rather than just making it up.

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