8月 09 2009

Daily quote: statistics poem

Published by under Daily Quote

BBC Radio 4 的数字与统计节目 More or Less 的主持人 Tim Harford 在上周节目结束前,引用了一首诗,据称是中国国家统计局举办的 Statistical Feelings 诗歌比赛中的一首诗,翻译成了英文:


Some mock me for doing statistics
Some loath me and statistics
Some don’t understand what statistics are
Why is it that statistics put a calm smile on my face?
Because of statistics
I can solve the deepest mysteries
Because of statistics
I only be lonely again, playing the data
Because of statistics
I can rearrange the stars in sky above
Because of statistics
My life is different
More meanful
I love my life
My statistics


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