10月 07 2008
英语阅读:Ask Hadley (2008-10-06)
Hadley Freeman 是《卫报》时尚编辑,Vogue 杂志撰稿编辑。Ask Hadley 是她每周一的栏目,名为回答时尚问题,其实是调侃现代生活男女关系等等。文笔风趣幽默,所以即使象我这样对时尚所知甚少的人也爱看。
今天专栏第二个问题中提到的 Lynx Touch 广告:
Ask Hadley
Hadley Freeman can ease your fashion pain
Monday October 6 2008
Whenever I put on my golfing outfit (striped shirt, smart trousers) my girlfriend laughs at me. How can I make her stop?
Bruce Lane, Cornwall
Whether it’s an indictment on this page or the nature of fashion in general, it is remarkable how many of the questions that arrive by winged courier to this hallowed desk of academia contain their own answer within. To whit, last week L Grant wanted to know why it was so hard to find smart long-sleeved dresses for the over-30s (because you’re over 30. Duh! Designers don’t care about you. Go float yourself out on an iceberg or something!)