10月 17 2008

英国阅读 Reckless Hamilton should now take a history lesson in respect

Published by under 英语阅读

在F1上海站即将举行之际,让我们来读一下《卫报》体育记者 Richard Williams 在F1日本站后写的这篇文章。他对 Lewis Hamilton 与其他F1车手之间关系加入了一点历史视角。

Reckless Hamilton should now take a history lesson in respect
There are signs that Lewis Hamilton has inherited from his predecessors the view that any tactic justifies victory

Richard Williams

They grew up racing go-karts as though they were dodgems. Now they race 750-horsepower cars with survival cells so strong that you could probably drive one off the rim of the Grand Canyon and live to tell the tale. No wonder today’s formula one drivers don’t play by the old rules, as those of us who rose before dawn on Sunday saw during the course of an absorbing but, in the end, dismaying telecast from the foothills of Mount Fuji.

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