10月 28 2008

英语阅读 Daniel Craig

Published by under 英语阅读

David Thompson 为《卫报》写的专栏叫做”电影生平字典” (Biographical Dictionary of Film),每次介绍一位电影人,不是介绍生平那么简单,而是分析其电影事业上的起伏,并加上分析见解。”字典”第50期说的是007新片男主角 Daniel Craig。

Daniel Craig
The pieces are in place for the unthinkable: a slump in the Bond market. Daniel Craig’s Bond is thinking too much and doing too little

David Thomson
The Guardian,
Friday October 17 2008

Everyone in the Bond franchise business seems happy with Daniel Craig – yet the thought lingers that he may be a mole. Is he secretly an actor instead of a brand image? The surest sign of confidence in him is that the upcoming Bond picture has been allowed to cost about $225m. What’s more, that picture is called Quantum of Solace, the kind of title that Andrei Tarkovsky’s best friends might have talked him out of. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, you say, it’s a Bond picture, and they work according to different rules. That’s true, but the old rules used to work like this: Dr No (made in 1962, when Daniel Craig was two years old), cost $1.1m and it had a worldwide gross of $59.6m. Thunderball (1965) cost $9m and it had a gross of $141m. You can do those numbers yourself and they don’t mesh with the figures on the remake of Casino Royale (2006), Craig’s debut as 007 – that cost $150m, and grossed $167m at the American box office.
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