9月 16 2009

Buzzword: C-word

Published by under Buzzword


Gordon Brown to say the c-word and admit cuts will be made


Gordon Brown admits Labour would cut spending but swears to save services

所谓 c-word,和 f-word 一样,是比较有礼貌地描述“脏话”(swear words),这就是为什么《卫报》的标题中用 swear (发誓),是在玩一个文字游戏。
那么这个 c-word 到底是什么呢?,其实《每日电讯报》的标题已经回答了这个问题。在《卫报》的另一篇文章中,Polly Tonybee 是这么解释的:

Cuts – it wasn’t hard to say the word, after all.

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