1月 03 2011

Daily Quote: intelligent entertainment

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在《卫报》的2010年度畅销书评述一文中,看到 intelligent entertainment 这一说法:

Intelligent entertainment of the Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze? type has also vanished …

觉得这是一个挺有意思的说法,Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze? 是英国大众科学杂志 New Scientist 出版的系列丛书,是有关科学上疑问的问答集锦,其它还有我在英国新书系列中介绍过的 How to Make a Tornado,最新一本是2010年出的 Why Can’t Elephant Jump? 这种既是 entertainment 又具有 intelligent 的出版物,英国其实有不少,也不只限于科普读物,有不少历史、大众哲学体裁的书都可以算作这类。

Intelligent entertainment 在这一场合,可以译作“趣味知识”或是“多智娱乐”和“智慧型娱乐”。

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12月 24 2010

From Saint Vince to Mr Bean

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自由民主党议员、联合政府中的商务大臣 Vince Cable 被伪装成选区内自由民主党支持者的两名《每日电讯报》女记者秘密录下他对联合执政的看法、以及“对默多克宣战”的言论,不仅被弄得大为尴尬,而且失去了管理媒体事务、特别是新闻集团收购 BSkyB 一事的决策权。在第二天的《卫报》上,其社论题目是:

Dr Cable: From Saint Vince to Mr Bean

这句玩笑话是源头来自 Vince Cable,在工党执政期间、Vince Cable 曾在议会辩论时这样嘲笑当时的首相布朗

The house has noticed the prime minister’s the remarkable transformation in the last few weeks – from Stalin to Mr Bean.

Vince Cable 因为在金融海啸中判断准确而且敢言,一度被戏称为 Saint Vince,这下可好,玩笑开回到自己头上来了。

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12月 08 2010

Quote: suddenly found religion over

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在《每日电讯报》副主编 Benedict Brogan 的博客上看到这段文字

To those who wonder why David Davis has suddenly found religion over tuition fees, he can point to the article he wrote for the Mail on Sunday more than a year ago as proof that his view has run counter to the expansion of tuition fes for some time.

这个“suddenly found religion over…”是个有趣的用法,可以译成“忽然对……这么执着”,但是这个用法含着强烈的讽刺口气。

《每日电讯报》是支持保守党的报纸,David Davis 曾是保守党中比较右翼的人物,还是卡梅伦竞选保守党领袖时的对手,但近年来政治立场发生转向,曾为抗议工党政府延长拘留疑犯时间而辞去议员职位。可以理解《每日电讯报》对他有着疑惑甚至嘲笑的态度,这次事关联合政府提议增加大学学费至每年9千英镑,David Davis 是保守党中第一个公开表示会投反对票的议员,难怪支持这项政策的《每日电讯报》要讽刺他一下。

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11月 02 2010

Lost in Translation: 部长 大臣

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句中的卡罗琳·斯佩尔曼,即 Caroline Spelman,她的头衔准确的翻译应该是“国务大臣”或“大臣”(Secretary of State),译成“部长”当然也可以接受,至少没有出错。

在翻译英国政府头衔时,经常出的错误是把 minister 想当然地翻译成“部长”,其实只有 Secretary of State 才相当于中国的“部长”。引起混淆的原因是,Secretary of State 可以叫 minister,他/她手下的部份次长也可以叫 minister。

我已经在这里两次提到这一混淆,今天再提,除了以上新闻之外,还因为在《华尔街日报》中文网上,再次看到了这一错误。在这则9月8日的新闻《汇丰董事长将卸任从政 或引发高层大洗牌》中的第一句是:

汇丰控股(HSBC Holdings PLC)董事长葛霖(Stephen Green)因将出任英国贸易大臣而突然离任

Stephen Green 出任的是 Minister of State for Trade & Investment,可以译成“贸易与投资次长”,绝不能译成“贸易大臣”。这个 UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)是一个跨部门组织,Stephen Green 的两个顶头上司,商务大臣 Vince Cable 和外交大臣 William Hague,才是“大臣”。

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10月 13 2010

Howard Jacobson Man Booker Prize acceptance speech

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2010年度 Man Booker Prize 获得者 Howard Jacobson 的简短诙谐的获奖致辞

I’m speechless.

Fortunately I prepared one early. It’s dated 1983. That’s how long the wait’s been. And I see here there’s another alternated acceptance speech of 1994, then 2002, which I appeared to amend only slightly for 2004, 2006 and 2008.

I note that my language in these speeches grows less gracious with the years.

You start to want to blame the judges who have given you the prize for all the prizes they didn’t give you. But they aren’t, of course, the same judges.

Tonight, I forgive everyone – they were only doing their job, those judges, every one of whose names I could reel off.

As for the judges of 2010 Man Booker Prize, they surpass all praise. I thank them.

reel off: to say a list of things quickly and without much effort. 这是一个英国英语的用法,也许可以译成“张口就来”。

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9月 19 2010

Buzzword: aggressive atheism

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Pope Benedict XVI 访问英国,在爱丁堡的 Holyrood Palace 发表的第一次演讲中,再次警告英国正在形成“aggressive secularism”(气势汹汹的世俗主义)和“atheist extremism”(无神论者极端主义),成为第二天的新闻头条

其实在他的访问之前,梵蒂冈的一名高级顾问就曾声称英国已形成“a new, aggressive atheism”(一种新的、气势汹汹的无神论主义)。

Channel 4 News 的 Cathy Newman 针对这一声称,做了详细的数据收集,她主要论证的是英国信教的人是否正在减少。她的结论是上英国圣公会教堂的人确实正在减少,但是天主教徒人数持平(原因之一是东欧移民的涌入),其它教派、或是相信某种“精神存在”的人并不在少数。

The Guardian: Pope Benedict XVI goest to war with ‘atheist extremism’

The FactChecker Blog: Is there an “aggressive new atheism” in the UK?

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9月 13 2010

Lost in Translation: Minister of State 不是国务大臣

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这篇文章犯了和这里同样的错误,Jeremy Brown 的职位是 Minister of State at Foreign and Commonwealth Office,即英国外交部的次长,目前一共五名。

英国政府中能成为“大臣”的,是 Secrectary of State。目前英国外交大臣是黑格(William Hague)。

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9月 02 2010


Published by under Word by Word

上个星期英国的一个智库(think tank) Institute of Fiscal Study (IFS)发布一份报告,称联合政府的预算案在税收上是 regressive 而不是财相 George Osborne 声称的 progressve。Progressive 在税收上指渐增式收税,即收入越高的人群缴纳的税收越高,一般译成累进制税收;regressive 刚好相反,指渐减式收税,一般又译成累退制税收。

这份报告之所以能成为话题,是因为联合政府在对政府开支进行紧缩之时,同时声称自己的政策是 progressive,这里不仅仅是说税收渐增,富人比穷人多交税,而且是借用其政治含义:关心穷人和弱者,传统上工党和自由民主党的政治领地。

英国政治的一个奇怪现象是本来是 progressive 的政党,比如工党,却会掩饰其政策上保护穷人和弱者的一面;同时本来是保护精英政治保守的政党,比如保守党,却会大唱自己是 progressive。

IFS 名声很好,一贯政治立场中立,所以联合政府的副首相 Nick Clegg 的辩护就显得无力,在这个 BBC Blog 上可以看到各家媒体的反应,右翼媒体的一种观点就是联合政府干脆就不应该假装 progressive。

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8月 24 2010

Daily Quote: Edinburgh Fringe 2010 best jokes

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今年爱丁堡边缘艺术节(Edinburgh Fringe)上评选出来的10大最佳笑话,看看你能看懂几个吧,我就没看懂第7和第10个。

1) Tim Vine “I’ve just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I’ll tell you what, never again.”

2) David Gibson “I’m currently dating a couple of anorexics. Two birds, one stone.”

3) Emo Philips “I picked up a hitch hiker. You’ve got to when you hit them.”

4) Jack Whitehall “I bought one of those anti-bullying wristbands when they first came out. I say ‘bought’, I actually stole it off a short, fat ginger kid.”

5) Gary Delaney “As a kid I was made to walk the plank. We couldn’t afford a dog.”

6) John Bishop “Being an England supporter is like being the over-optimistic parents of the fat kid on sports day.”

7) Bo Burnham “What do you call a kid with no arms and an eyepatch? Names.”

8) Gary Delaney “Dave drowned. So at the funeral we got him a wreath in the shape of a lifebelt. Well, it’s what he would have wanted.”

9) Robert White “For Vanessa Feltz, life is like a box of chocolates: Empty.”

10) Gareth Richards “Wooden spoons are great. You can either use them to prepare food. Or, if you can’t be bothered with that, just write a number on one and walk into a pub…”

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8月 11 2010

Daily Quote: rat race

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英国工会领袖、工党活动家、记者 Jimmy Reid 最近去世,他留下的名言中有以下这段,形容现代资本主义社会把人变成奔命的老鼠:

A rat race is for rats. We’re not rats. We’re human beings. Reject the insidious pressures in society that would blunt your critical faculties to all that is happening around you, that would caution silence in the face of injustice lest you jeopardise your chances of promotion and self-advancement.

This is how it starts, and, before you know where you are, you’re a fully paid-up member of the rat pack. The price is too high.

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