Archive for 4月 20th, 2008

4月 20 2008

Daily Quote: Father and son

Published by under Daily Quote

Giles Coren 是 The Times 的餐馆评论员和专栏作者,我很喜欢他的幽默笔锋。星期六在 The Times 上看到他写的文章,说自他父亲最近去世后,他一度觉得没有再写的必要,因为已经 no one to impress。他的父亲是幽默作家 Alan Coren。文章中的一段写道:

As I pushed his mower up and down his lawn I realised my mother was watching me. I dropped the lever and called to her, over the whiz of the fading blades: “I can hear him now shouting, You call that a f****** stripe?’.” And she said, “No, he’d be very pleased.”

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