2月 09 2010

Daily Quote: Future is not orange

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在5年的 Orange Revolution 中被赶下台的乌克兰政客 Vickor Yanukovich 在这个星期的总统大选中获胜。Orange Revolution 是著名的“颜色革命”之一,许多媒体在报道这段新闻时,都在 orange 的双关意义上做文章。在英国因为有一个手机网络叫 Orange,而且它的广告用语是

The future is bright. The future is Orange.


The Times: Future not Orange as Ukraine settles for Yanukovych repeat

The Guardian: Ukraine’s future wasn’t orange

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12月 14 2009

Buzzword: climate change sceptics

Published by under Buzzword

对于由人类活动造成的“全球变暖”(global warming)和“气候变迁”(climate change),现在已有基本的共识,但是仍然有一部份人对climate change 和人类活动的联系,持怀疑态度。目前在哥本哈根举行的全球气候峰会,以及前几周的英国 East Anglia 大学邮件被盗事件,让这个话题成为最大热门。对于那些怀疑气候变迁的人,如何称呼呢?

过去曾有 global warming deniersclimate change deniers 的说法,但是现在英国的媒体基本上弃用了这一说法,估计是因为它们的贬义性,deniers 含有不承认公认的事实的意思,比如 Holocaust deniers 就是指那些不承认纳粹屠杀犹太人这一事实的人。

现在媒体普遍采用较为中性的 global warming scepticsclimate change sceptics 的说法,sceptics “怀疑者”没有明显的褒贬。

Guardian: Gordon Brown attacks ‘flat-earth’ climate change sceptics

Telegraph: Why I am a global warming sceptic: part 92

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11月 29 2009


Published by under Word by Word

在 BBC iPlayer 上补看了新剧 Garrow’s Law 的最后两集,这一系列很有意思,可惜太段,一共才四集。希望BBC有拍第2季的打算。

在第3集中,当 Garrow 在决斗中受伤的消息传来,早餐桌上的 Lady Sarah 花容失色。对自己的妻子和 Garrow 的关系早有怀疑的 Sir Arthur 追问 Lady Sarah:

Am I cuckolded?

Cuckold 的意思是妻子和他人有染的男人,可以做名词,也可疑做动词,词源来自 cuckoo (布谷鸟),布谷鸟会把蛋放在其它鸟的巢中,除了产生“鹊占鸠巢”的说法外,cuckoo 有时也是越轨女人的代名词。Cuckold 这个词,用“戴绿帽”来翻译最恰当不过了。

Cuckold 似乎是个比较旧的用法,很少看到在现代语境下使用。《每日邮报》中的这篇文章中说:

‘I’ve been cuckolded by my CEO’


‘This is not a very nice joke – for people to say that your boyfriend or your husband is a cuckold.’

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10月 20 2009


Published by under Word by Word

BBC 邀请 BNP 领导人 Nick Griffin 参加本周四的争论节目 Question Time,引发了多方争议。BNP是一个极右翼政党,宣扬反移民和白人至上,但是近年来其势力却开始抬头,在今年举行的欧洲议会竞选中,获得2个席位。BBC解释说应该给予BNP空间,让他们的观点在主流媒体上受到挑战,反对者则说BNP本身以种族歧视为基础的法西斯政党,BBC不应该给他们宣传的舞台。

我在《卫报》的社论中看到 sloganeering 一词。Sloganeer 是动词也可以是名词,是指善于使用口号、或善于使用口号的人。《卫报》反对BBC邀请他参加Question Time 的原因是这不是一个采访式的节目,而是一个嘉宾争相用口号式语言赢得掌声的节目,不是真正讲道理的辩论。

Few politicians do plausible sloganeering as well as Nick Griffin;

《卫报》: The BNP on Question Time is the wrong party on the wrong programme

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9月 16 2009

Buzzword: C-word

Published by under Buzzword


Gordon Brown to say the c-word and admit cuts will be made


Gordon Brown admits Labour would cut spending but swears to save services

所谓 c-word,和 f-word 一样,是比较有礼貌地描述“脏话”(swear words),这就是为什么《卫报》的标题中用 swear (发誓),是在玩一个文字游戏。
那么这个 c-word 到底是什么呢?,其实《每日电讯报》的标题已经回答了这个问题。在《卫报》的另一篇文章中,Polly Tonybee 是这么解释的:

Cuts – it wasn’t hard to say the word, after all.

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9月 08 2009

Daily Quote: some upper middle class young magician

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苏格兰作家 James Kelman 在最近的爱丁堡图书节上说:

…if the Nobel Prize came from Scotland they would give it to a writer of fucking detective fiction or … about some upper middle class young magician or some fucking crap.

他没有指名道姓,但是苏格兰现在最出名的作家是写Rebus和其它侦探悬疑系列小说的 Ian Rankin 和Harry Potter系列的作者 JK Rowling。你可以自己去对上号。

James Kelman 属于苏格兰的“文学小说作者”(literature writer),是苏格兰唯一获得过图书奖 Booker Prize的作者。这些针对“类型小说作者”(genre writer)的攻击,自然引发了一番争论。

其实他在图书节上还对苏格兰文学现状说了不少有争议的,苏格兰报纸 The Herald上这篇文章有比较详细的记录:‘Chilled-out’ Kelman raises the temperature

The Sunday Herald 还组织了一场辩论:ARGUMENT OF THE WEEK: Is pulp fiction taking over Scotland’s bookshelves?

《卫报》上Alan Bissett的综合评论:Why Kelman’s rage at the genrefication of Scottish literature concerns us all

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8月 04 2009

Buzzword: staycation

Published by under Buzzword

今年夏天的度假季节许多英国人做 staycation,原因是英镑贬值和预计今年夏天有好天气。

Staycation 是一个正在进入主流的新生合成词,由 Stay 加上 vo-cation 的后半段而成,指在度假季节选择留在家中,或者是附近地方做短期旅游,在英国做 Staycation 的热门地点有传统的海边度假地 Blackpool、Scaborough, Brighton 等等、湖区、主题公园等等。连今年的爱丁堡艺术节也沾了光,《卫报》的标题:
Edinburgh Fringe sales up thanks to ‘staycation‘ effect

上个月《每日电讯报》报道 staycation 已经被收入美国的 Merrian-Webster辞典:
Frenemies and staycation enter American dictionary


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8月 02 2009

Daily Quote: switch off your mobile

Published by under Daily Quote

手机网络 Orange 的电影院广告最后打出的字幕总是:

Don’t let a mobile phone ruin your movie. Please switch it off.

在星期六的《卫报》上,Simon Hoggart 引用了一条读者发给他的一句话,是这位读者在西班牙的一家教堂外看到的,翻译为英语就是:

Please turn off your mobile. God will not call you on it.

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6月 27 2009

Daily Quote: floated away like a wisp

Published by under Daily Quote

Germaine Greer 在今天的《卫报》上的纪念文章:

His sudden death is a strange kind of victory. He had managed to prevent his ageing and even his growing up. There was no beard upon his chin; his voice was a childish treble. Instead of entering middle age and letting himself be chained to earth, he has floated away like a wisp, annihilated on the brink of a 50-date concert tour that I for one was dreading.

Germaine Greer: ‘Like Orpheus, Michael Jackson was destroyed by his fans’

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6月 26 2009

英语阅读:Richard Williams on Michael Jackson

Published by under 英语阅读

2009-06-26 The Guardian

今天《卫报》凌晨第二版上的头版文章,作者 Richard Williams 的开头句子是这样的:

Michael Jackson may have spent his last years mutating into an ever more freakish version of himself, eventually becoming a prize exhibit in the celebrity zoo, but under the outlandish surface was a singer who had come by his fame not via mere eccentricity or a stroke of luck, but through a genuinely remarkable talent that deserved to conquer the world.

全文:For all his flaws he was the greatest entertainer of his age.

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