5月 07 2009

Daily quote: Michael Young

Published by under Daily Quote

5月4日《泰晤士报》上有一篇 Michael Young 的采访。Michael Young 1980年代是供职于英国矿产公司Consilidated Goldfields的公关主任,在公司的暗中支持下(公司希望维护在南非的商业利益),他积极努力,促成了当时的“恐怖组织”非洲人国民大会(ANC)的Thabo Mbeki 和代表南非白人(Afrikaner)的大学教授 Willie Esterhuyse 在英国的秘密谈判。最近表现这一历史事件的电视片 Endgame 在 Channel 4 播映。以下是 Michael Young 在采访中的一些话:

“The template that we’ve used, that has applicability elsewhere currently, is to identify players who are serious, not always visible, to bring them away so that they could begin to understand one another as human beings,”

“Then you are not operating on this global platform with lots of spotlights. It’s silent, it’s long term and if you want cheap thrills and brownie points, then you’ve lost it.”


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