6月 24 2008


Published by under Word by Word

Philip Howard 在《泰晤士报》上谈姓名后面各种缩写的正确次序时,提到了男人名字后面可以加的缩写 Esq。Esq 即 esquire,最早是用来指地位仅近低于“骑士”(knight),但高于“绅士”(gentleman)的男子,后来又有多种用法,现在基本上已经没有意义,是个男人都可以说是 esquire。不过在美国却专门用于律师,不论男女。如果非要用 Esq,最重要的是记得 Esq 是只能用于书面形式的对他人的尊称,而且用了这种过时的尊称对方也不见得高兴。

在《泰晤士报》上刊登的英格兰地区 Sheriff 任命名单上,每个男人的名字后面还是跟 Esq 的。

Philip Howard on the use of Esq:

Indeed there are rules. These are largely obsolescent. An esquire was at first “a young man of gentle birth, who, as an aspirant to knighthood, attended upon a knight, carried his shield, and rendered him other services”. It became also “a man belonging to the higher order of English gentry, ranking immediately below a knight”. Several classes of men became entitled to be called esquires — younger sons of peers, eldest sons of knights; judges, barristers-at-law, and many others. By now Esq has lost all sense of rank, and can be attached (in correspondence) to the name of any adult male. In the US, Esq is often used by lawyers, both male and female, when referring to or addressing one another in writing. The suffix is dying, let it die.

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