
我推荐了 Andrew Brown 的 Fishing in Utopia,把书名翻译成《垂钓乌托邦》。上网查了一下,却发现有些地方把书名翻成了《乌托邦的渔业》,在中国国际竞争力促进会的网站上,有这段文字:
《乌托邦的渔业:瑞典与消逝的未来}(Fishing in Utopia: Sweden and the Future that Disappeared)(作者安德鲁•布朗)渔业、新闻业以及处于消亡痛苦中的瑞典社会体制是这本发人深省、勾起回忆的自传体回忆录中毫无前途的要素。
译者理解错了书名中的 Fishing 的意思,也难怪,中国还没有把钓鱼作为一种正式的爱好,所以 fishing 就被想当然地想像成渔业了,其实只要看上下文,看一下这本书的介绍就可以避免出错。一般 fishing 如果是做渔业解的话,会是形容词:fishing boat, fishing industry, fishing community等等。
Andrew Brown 的文章说什么样的数码相机才是最好的相机--并不是像素越多越好。
At last, technology is making photography better, not worse
Andrew Brown
The Guardian,
Thursday October 9 2008
The phone I bought last month has a camera supposedly better than the camera I bought four years ago. That’s to say it has a 5MP camera instead of a 4MP one. I could have bought a Samsung phone with 8MP, the same as my second digital camera. And the phone does take perfectly usable pictures and recognisable videos. That it functions as well as a mapping device and a recorder is astonishing, but irrelevant to this argument. My cameras will do none of those other things. When I want to take a close-up with the most recent, and expensive, DSLR, I have to go to the trouble of changing the lens first. The phone – and the previous camera – do it all in software.
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